A "Big Idea" Project sponsored by the Department of English at Texas Tech University
Six Answers to Compelling Questions
Essentials of College Rhetoric (ENGL 1301) focuses on the writing process and requires students to write extensively in a variety of modes and styles. The six works below respond to the fourth project in a section of the course taught by Dr. Tara Abydos in the fall of 2022 and respond to the prompt below, answer the questions each student developed and explored in response to the prompt.
Prompt: Create a multimodal project that investigates and explores a focused research question about an aspect of where you live (i.e., in Lubbock; in a specific area within a city [TTU housing, for example]; and/or in another city, state, or region). Drawing on primary research, your multimodal project should go beyond a physical description of the location and examine a detailed question (or two) that you have about the experience(s) of doing life in this place. In other words, you are invited to discover more about this place as a site of cultural, social, and material realities, as you engage with interesting research (like observations, interviews, and secondary research, if necessary).